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What is Scoliosis?

Do you know the meaning of medical term ‘Scoliosis’? How is it related to your spine? Get to know more about it from the best spine surgeon in Mumbai- Dr Sameer Ruparel

Scoliosis is sideways curvature of the spine. If you look at your spine from the back- it is supposed to be straight. However, if it’s crooked or curved from the back it is termed as scoliosis. You can recognise it when the both shoulders are not levelled

Let’s see how common it is. So temporary scoliosis which is usually due to abnormal muscle spasm due to a sprain or a slipped disc is extremely common, It is easily treatable and temporary and is reverted when the underlying condition is optimally treated.

However, sometimes scoliosis occurs due to abnormal curvature in the spine bones and is rigid. It usually increases as the height of the patient increases. The most common age group in which this spine condition is seen is children. Thus a close watch to see if it increases during the growth spurt is important. Most of the times the cause is unknown and sometimes it may occur due to some inborn or genetic defects, if the patient has suffered from any trauma or infection in the past.

Only when the curve increases to a significant extent causing disability or the spine surgeon predicts that it would grow significantly in future is a surgical correction necessary. Similarly, if it causes harms to the spinal cord within is a spine surgery necessary.

If you feel you have a curve in your back, visit best spine surgeon in Mumbai- Dr Sameer Ruparel.

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