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Paralysis after low back slipped disc?

Are you suffering from low back pain and slipped disc? Are you worried that the slipped disc may cause paralysis? Don’t worry Dr Sameer Ruparel, best spine surgeon in Mumbai is here to clear the myths regarding this.

Slipped disc is a condition where the disc which is like a cushion between the bones of back slips from its native position and presses on the spinal neves behind. Usually when such a thing happens it causes ‘sciatica’ like symptoms- leg pain, tingling, numbness and occasionally weakness in legs. Now, how common is this weakness in legs or paralysis common?

Paralysis in legs after a low back slipped disc does not happen usually. Also when such an incident happens the most common levels of slipped disc which are L4-5 and L5-s1 supply the nerves of foot and ankle and it causes isolated weakness leading to foot drop which affects daily activities. Slipped disc occurring at higher levels may cause profound paralysis of hips and knees which affects walking. One of the rare emergencies is when the slipped disc affects the function of urine and motions – in such cases it is a surgical emergency and needs to be treated urgently.

Rest assured, the chances of paralysis are rare after a slipped disc and should not bother you in taking decision for spine surgery. If suffering from one, vist best spine specialist in Mumbai- Dr Sameer Ruparel at Spine Solutions Clinic.

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